Saturday, January 18, 2014

Our home for this year/steering wheel on the wrong side/the town of Berwick/ cafe in a drugstore/at Evelyn's


  1. Yes, walking across the street is dangerous, remember to look right first.
    ...and is tha paella? Yummie!

  2. Yrs, coast ourselves a couple of times about to cross with car coming from opposite direction...close calls :-[:-[ yes, it was yummy.she prepared the rice first then topped it with fresh fish, popped it in the oven and tada!! Evelyn made it look effortless!

    1. Ramzi, Bradley and Tran...How do you like a cafe in the drugstore idea? Wait, while your prescription is being filled.
      Loved spending time with you guys on Google chat and Skype yesterday! Loved having you with us... virtually. Love you guys!!!

  3. So in a right hand drive the gas pedal is on the right, left hand drive the gas pedal is on the right. What about the steering column stalks...same as home?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. What's a steering column stalk, Robert? Is it attached to the steering wheel? Loved our Skype chat yesterday!!! Looking forward to breakfast/dinner date next weekend! :-) :-) :-)
